Monday, September 21, 2009

The Safety Of Ultralight Aircraft

Here are my thoughts about the safety of ultralight aircraft.

Are you afraid for your dream of flying to get there? Most of us are prevented of flying on their own for various reasons - lack of time, bad weather, etc., or more often the reason is money. The financial problem is now solved to some extent by the ultralight airplanes, but a new concern that could stop flying - their safety.

How safe are the ultralight airplanes? What short answer is safe enough. The long answer must take account of important factors.

Today the safety of the ultralight, microlight and homebuilt / experimental aircraft really equals that of Certified light aircraft. So why questions about the security at all?

Mostly people are afraid to fly ultralight aircraft, as used in the past have a bad reputation (which actually came mainly from the rumors). The ultra light aviation was not regulated at all so many inexperienced pilots aircraft of questionable safety.

Today most countries regulate the ultralight aircraft to some degree and license or acquire or agree to some restrictions, such as avoiding urban areas, at night or in bad weather. This is really an improvement in the safety of ultralight flying much.

Today only the Experimental Aircraft Association keeps some statistics on the ultralight accidents. Reports of 101 accidents with 20 deaths over a period of 3.5 years - considering there are thousands of ultralight flying, with thousands of planes, the figures are not so scary.

And most accidents are caused by human error. I know I want one of them. There are many things you can do if you want to fly safer:

Get a better education. It makes sense to spend more money on flights to the instructions of his life risk. Do not rush to his first solo flight and even, have presented their instructor on the plane.

Make sure your plane is safe. This is common sense, but to emphasize. Check the wings, propeller, fuel, everything. After double checking.

Not fly in bad weather is not. Logical, right? Better to lose a scheduled flight instead of killing or breaking your aircraft in the storm.

Get a parachute emergency system. It costs about $ 2000 and I know that sometimes was 50% of their ultralight airplane. But these are not $ 2000 or even 1% of the cost of his life, only spend so without delay.

Use a helmet. You can use a motor, it will not cost much. The helmet saves not only in case of accidents, but also hitting a bird or a vehicle in which the open air.

Use common sense. Let the waterfalls to the professionals, do not fly near buildings or on the rocks ... nothing to do nothing.

The pilot is by far the most important factor in most ultralight aircraft accidents. Follow the steps above, and you do not fly quite a problem. After reading the articles that you can leave like this and enjoy your ultralight flying.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Aircraft Head And Neck Injuries

Here are my thoughts on the aircraft head and neck injuries.

More than half of aviation in the world is run by airplanes and land in the United States. The air traffic system, which is a good safety profile has received a total applied in this way of numerous innovations and safety on board at all times. Although the rules and safety devices to prevent many injuries and accidents, the aircraft did not violate free zone. Two most common injuries during the flight are injuries to the head and neck.

During takeoff and landing, the passengers of an aircraft can be thrown forward and backward, then quickly through the movement of the aircraft. This movement will take a while landing off as possible, but not unknown in other situations. If the head and neck cleverly then quickly replied that it is possible to come up with a whiplash injury.

When the head snaps forward and contact with the backrest of the seat opposite her, a concussion is not beyond question. At the same time, the cuts and abrasions can also occur, depending on the material support of the seats.

Injuries occur during landing because the landing conditions are not always perfect. In some cases, rain, wind, or any other illness forced the driver to the plane on the runway to create much larger than he or she wants. Landing is usually not a pleasant experience, regardless of the skill of the pilots. If the conditions or inexperience of the pilots to force a hard landing, it can be extremely painful.

If damage to an airplane, it is important to tell the flight attendants as soon as possible. This will complete an accident report to the injured. If it on a piece of luggage that is specified to be stumbling. A hard landing should also be reported and reviewed by someone else on the plane. The chances are good that if the landing was very rough, it is more than one person complaining of neck pain.

Upon landing, everyone should, the neck or headache probably consult a doctor. Most of the time things are not too serious, but it is always good, all possible precautions when dealing with head and neck pain and injuries.
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