Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hudson River Air Crash

My thoughts on the Hudson River Air crash.

Others climbed the ruins of a helicopter of the dark Hudson River, Sunday, with the help of sonar and the police to find the integrated plan has been overwritten with him. Nine people died in an accident, air, and seven bodies were removed from the water.

National Transportation Safety Board spokeswoman Debbie Hersman said Sunday in a press conference that the two bodies were found.

Researchers are also looking for photos and video of the incident on Saturday, which was thousands of enjoying a beautiful summer's day.

Nine people - three members of a family in Pennsylvania, a private plane, five Italians and a driver for the New Jersey helicopters towers of freedom - died Saturday in a collision, the city of the worst air accident since 2001, accident Air Queens, the 265 people killed.

A victim is a man Italian celebrates its 25th The wedding, said a family friend. His wife was gone, but his 16-year-old son was also in the helicopter.

Sunday morning, divers back into the body stuffed in the hull of the wreck of a helicopter, two law enforcement told the Associated Press. Officials in talks with the condition of anonymity, since all the bodies were not found or identified.

A U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Crane twisted remains of the device is 30 feet of water.

The police of New York City, said a sonar found the rest of the area north of the site, the helicopter accident in water Hoboken. Other aircraft were in the rest of the river about 50 meters under water.

National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Debbie Hersman said the pilot of a helicopter approaching the helicopter in flight and tried to warn his fellow pilots. The helicopter ordered by radio and said: "You have a plan behind it, but there is no response from the pilots, Hersman said.

The driver for the right to air the clip helicopters and two planes to leave and fell into the river, he says.

The two aircraft were part of the south of the river, where a U. S. Airways plane landed safely seven months ago. But this incident was under Bloomberg, "unsurvivable."

The strong currents of the river and low visibility hampered the acquisition of assets.

"The past and history are very strong in the Hudson River, in the darkest, Hoboken Police Captain Anthony Romano said. The floor of the river, in the field of waste and wastewater from other cruise ships for decades, that research more difficult, he added.

Hersman said I did not know if the black boxes or other audio recordings of two aircraft. The size of the aircraft are not required to operate such equipment.

He expressed the hope that investigators will find photos and videos from an accident, helping to determine what happened to them. Some pictures appeared in the media, at least one that shows the moment of impact.

The helicopter, helicopter, freedom, the name of the driver in the crash: Jeremy Clarke, of Lanoka Harbor, NJ

Betty Mallory, Clarke, ex-mother-in-law, says that his training in Long Beach, California, and was very capable driver.

"I flew with him, shortly after his license," he said. 'It is very competent, very safe driver. I would not have a flight with him. "

The pilot of the plane was 60 years, Steven Altman, of Ambler, PA, the two officials with law enforcement told the AP. Even on the plane was 49-year-old Daniel Altman, of Dresher, Pa., and his 16-year-old son, Douglas, said officials.

The five tourists were in Bologna, Italy, in the region. The two officials, as Michael Norell, 51, whose son Philip Norell, 16; Gallazzi Fabio, 49, his wife, Tiziana Pedroni, 44, and his son James Gallazzi 15th

"The trip was a donation of one of the sisters Norell to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their marriage," Leporati John, a family friend Norell, told the AP by telephone. "This anniversary is already over, but the holidays in August and, on the left."

The Italian group plans to travel from New York to Florida and Cancun, Mexico, but decided to return to Italy, officials said, and the rule of law must be preserved.

The accident occurred in a busy corridor of the general aviation industry on the river, where the drivers are generally free to choose their own path, if they are 1000 meters away and not too close to the skyscrapers of Manhattan.

The upper side of the river is often full of boats, which amounts to a vision of the Statue of Liberty.

Saturday incident is yet another incident, the pitcher New York Yankees Cory Lidl and flight instructor, death, when their plane has proposed a skyscraper by a road People's Party for tourism in 2006.

In January, the river became the scene of a spectacular landing of U. S. Airways after a theft at the initial stage of LaGuardia Airport in Queens, beaten by a flock of birds and the loss of power in both engines. The plane landed in the river, and all 155 people on board were from the security.

The NTSB expressed concern that the authority of the federal government for the safety of the helicopter is not sufficiently high. The Federal Aviation Administration failed to apply more than a dozen NTSB recommendations to improve the safety of the tower is to sign up for flight operations.

A report by the U. S. Department of Transport, the inspector general in recent months has shown that 109 people died in accidents linked to the demand for flights in the years 2007 and 2008, then, that nobody was killed in a commercial airline accidents.

The plane, a Piper PA-32, was in the company of Fort Washington, PA is the address of a property company, under the direction of Steven Altman.

Two were police vehicles in the large brothels, where they lived and Steven Altman to block reporters.

Freedom guided excursions around the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Manhattan, the cost of $ 130 to $ 1000.

Two years ago, a helicopter from 500 meters away from the freedom of the sky fell, during a holiday. The driver was credited with landing of helicopters for safety on the Hudson Bay and the support for the evacuation of its seven passengers.

In 1997, a section of the rotor of a helicopter of a building, the views of Manhattan, could force a landing. No one was injured.

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