Monday, September 21, 2009

The Safety Of Ultralight Aircraft

Here are my thoughts about the safety of ultralight aircraft.

Are you afraid for your dream of flying to get there? Most of us are prevented of flying on their own for various reasons - lack of time, bad weather, etc., or more often the reason is money. The financial problem is now solved to some extent by the ultralight airplanes, but a new concern that could stop flying - their safety.

How safe are the ultralight airplanes? What short answer is safe enough. The long answer must take account of important factors.

Today the safety of the ultralight, microlight and homebuilt / experimental aircraft really equals that of Certified light aircraft. So why questions about the security at all?

Mostly people are afraid to fly ultralight aircraft, as used in the past have a bad reputation (which actually came mainly from the rumors). The ultra light aviation was not regulated at all so many inexperienced pilots aircraft of questionable safety.

Today most countries regulate the ultralight aircraft to some degree and license or acquire or agree to some restrictions, such as avoiding urban areas, at night or in bad weather. This is really an improvement in the safety of ultralight flying much.

Today only the Experimental Aircraft Association keeps some statistics on the ultralight accidents. Reports of 101 accidents with 20 deaths over a period of 3.5 years - considering there are thousands of ultralight flying, with thousands of planes, the figures are not so scary.

And most accidents are caused by human error. I know I want one of them. There are many things you can do if you want to fly safer:

Get a better education. It makes sense to spend more money on flights to the instructions of his life risk. Do not rush to his first solo flight and even, have presented their instructor on the plane.

Make sure your plane is safe. This is common sense, but to emphasize. Check the wings, propeller, fuel, everything. After double checking.

Not fly in bad weather is not. Logical, right? Better to lose a scheduled flight instead of killing or breaking your aircraft in the storm.

Get a parachute emergency system. It costs about $ 2000 and I know that sometimes was 50% of their ultralight airplane. But these are not $ 2000 or even 1% of the cost of his life, only spend so without delay.

Use a helmet. You can use a motor, it will not cost much. The helmet saves not only in case of accidents, but also hitting a bird or a vehicle in which the open air.

Use common sense. Let the waterfalls to the professionals, do not fly near buildings or on the rocks ... nothing to do nothing.

The pilot is by far the most important factor in most ultralight aircraft accidents. Follow the steps above, and you do not fly quite a problem. After reading the articles that you can leave like this and enjoy your ultralight flying.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Aircraft Head And Neck Injuries

Here are my thoughts on the aircraft head and neck injuries.

More than half of aviation in the world is run by airplanes and land in the United States. The air traffic system, which is a good safety profile has received a total applied in this way of numerous innovations and safety on board at all times. Although the rules and safety devices to prevent many injuries and accidents, the aircraft did not violate free zone. Two most common injuries during the flight are injuries to the head and neck.

During takeoff and landing, the passengers of an aircraft can be thrown forward and backward, then quickly through the movement of the aircraft. This movement will take a while landing off as possible, but not unknown in other situations. If the head and neck cleverly then quickly replied that it is possible to come up with a whiplash injury.

When the head snaps forward and contact with the backrest of the seat opposite her, a concussion is not beyond question. At the same time, the cuts and abrasions can also occur, depending on the material support of the seats.

Injuries occur during landing because the landing conditions are not always perfect. In some cases, rain, wind, or any other illness forced the driver to the plane on the runway to create much larger than he or she wants. Landing is usually not a pleasant experience, regardless of the skill of the pilots. If the conditions or inexperience of the pilots to force a hard landing, it can be extremely painful.

If damage to an airplane, it is important to tell the flight attendants as soon as possible. This will complete an accident report to the injured. If it on a piece of luggage that is specified to be stumbling. A hard landing should also be reported and reviewed by someone else on the plane. The chances are good that if the landing was very rough, it is more than one person complaining of neck pain.

Upon landing, everyone should, the neck or headache probably consult a doctor. Most of the time things are not too serious, but it is always good, all possible precautions when dealing with head and neck pain and injuries.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Causes And Prevention Of Air Crashes

Here are my thoughts on the causes and prevention of air crashes.

Flying in small aircraft often entails a greater risk of flight aboard large aircraft, although accidents can occur with both. Sometimes accidents happen to the soil and air can be relatively mild, while superstar of speed or freezes at high altitudes can cause serious injury or death. An accident can be emotionally and physically devastating to both passengers and crew.

Sometimes accidents occur due to equipment malfunction or human error. If you or someone you know has been involved in a plane crash, personal injury lawyers can help you determine who is legally responsible and can help accident victims and the struggle of the families of victims of compensation .

Causes of plane crash

There are a number of interfering factors and errors that can cause a plane crash, including:

* Interference storm. Lightning can interfere with the functionality of equipment, and strong winds can blow an aircraft off course or cause the rider to lose control of the aircraft.
* Equipment malfunction. The team of readings on the radio may be incorrect or may disappear entirely work.
* Inadequate maintenance. Maintenance workers may be unable to take part worn or faulty equipment, or incorrectly can install a part.
* Pilot error. A driver may incorrectly interpret the readings, the instructions of Miss determined, or to crash the plane.
* Error handling Torres. Air traffic controllers can get badly misdirected transmission or classes of aircraft pilots, which can cause an accident.

Avoid an accident or injury

As a pilot or crew member of a personal aircraft, always check the time, equipment and course before departure. If you feel that something is wrong with the plane, do not try to fly. Always confirm the instructions of the control tower and the readings of the navigation instruments. Is it the feeling that something goes wrong during the flight, to publicize the problem of the crew and the control tower and sought to land as soon as possible.

If you are a passenger, the best thing you can do is remain calm and follow the instructions of the crew. Stay calm during a crash and listening to the directions can mean the difference between life and death emergency.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Feel safe to fly

Here are my thoughts fly safe feeling.

What are your memories of air travel, a frequently asked question is "Is it safe to fly?" It is a question that many have already been mentioned. Despite the recent terrorist attacks and the historic landing of the Hudson River, there are only a few incidents that end in disaster.

Have taken place long before the events of 2001, you have to wonder how safe is flying. These fears were exacerbated by all, so many new rules and regulations and controls that we have to endure before boarding. But records show the success of security, and this year will increase from year to year.

The biggest threat to the sense of security is probably the result of the press event. Although the crash of Flight 1549 early 2009 was a story to come, whether it is worthwhile week of stories, is questionable.

These stories of heroism, but to celebrate the actions and also the seed of doubt in people with fear of flying. If you have several of been made as the plane hit birds, or how well the hull of the vessel was in the armed forces landing on the water, perhaps the fear of man, may have decreased.

But this is not the case of aviation disasters. It is always about guilt and negatives of the disaster. Whether it is safer in the air and on the ground most of the time of your life, seem to be submitted first, if a serious accident. And then offer the new deal.

The question: "Is it safe to fly, we should remember that most people flying the plane crashed anxiety than ever before in history.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hudson River - Emergency Landings

Here are some facts on the Hudson River emergency landings.

Like most, when I saw the photos and images on television in the United States. Airways Flight 1549, driving in the Hudson River, on Friday the 15th January 2009, my thoughts were Wow! Is not that amazing! The bodies involved in the landing of aircraft or water bounce rate and resolution. We have read and heard all the superlatives in newspapers and on television throughout the world. Many documents, said that "in the story," The next day, our local newspaper has a photo from the wreckage of the aircraft and with it the event was beginning to fall in history.

Big events do not change the future!

Overcoming my desk, my eye this amazing picture in the paper yesterday (which is ready for recycling), but I was a great event, that was correct. All major disasters like 9 / 11 of effect and the cause of thousands a huge explosion, reaction, and thus the life changes, like a big stone into the water. The event is important that the spraying is enormous, and the waves on a lot to do for a time, but in the end die, and the water is calm, which total in the world for a while and does not change very much in the image of people. Unfortunately, with all due respect to those who have suffered and still do, that is true. Over time, this event in our memory and eventually lose our descendants do not read on this subject is human nature.


A special feature is an event that results in a change to the status quo for ever, "things can not go back, what the whey, the future can be the result of this action now."

A special feature is a time greater than the event itself - Flight 1549 had 155 people on board, if all parties involved (the ground crew, airport staff, families and friends), the amount that a few thousand points. N person killed was the skill of the pilot, co-pilot and all the participants utilized. Said that all the Wow! Great! Well done! The world in the event of disasters was the case in a minute ... but the effect Sullenberger if the commander turned his board co-pilot and said, "we have" is enormous! This is evident in the years and decades. Unlike a large button on a large stone (9 / 11) what the effect of a good start stones exactly at a right angle in the water at this time. It skimmed the water, foam and phrases over and over again, when before 15 January 2009, all driver calls in his heart, if you are in this situation surely die. Today, every pilot knows, if ever in this situation - can not survive! It was!

Bill Gates said that the plane was the first in the world of the web to the second, for each pilot, in any part of the world, Saturday and participated in every sense, a desk, a clearly negative positive, one can, that is a fact!

This event is always subject to change if a driver is in this position is that the master Sullenberger heart, they now have a model, and react accordingly. Each time a further success of the landing on the water is skimmed a stone again.

Nobody can (the water with the landing of aircraft), for the first time again, always assuming that this column can only Sullenberger Chesley captain and flight attendants.
It is not the story in motion - in any case! That is changing, the future!

Survival of Plane Crash

Some of the info on the survival of plane crash.

Even if you are very lucky you can live through a plane crash. Those who survived the U. S. Airways in January 2009 accident on the Hudson River in New York were very fortunate. His flight was piloted by Sully Sullenberger, very brave and experienced commander. The passenger's chances of survival have been enhanced by the fact that the veteran of the Air Force is also one of the most admired in the field of aviation security consultant.

However, even when the pilot was able to bring a plane in distress in an emergency, water or soil of shock situation, which requires a greater opportunity for everyone to get out alive. If the 165 passengers and crew did not follow the correct procedures for the evacuation and the survival of U. S. Airways Flight 1549, the story could have been much more tragic.

The first rule for passengers in case of emergency that is to follow the instructions of the pilot. Captain Sullenberger quietly kept talking throughout the process of finding a safe area of the plane and put in water. Before the plane hit, he instructed everyone on board to improve their safety belts and the support of the shock.

After the initial impact, everything goes according to the instructions. Passengers were also carried out when the captain was completely control when he saw through the cabin Walkden several times to help people out on the wing. Due to their constant professionalism, there is no panic or hysteria. As a brave captain of a long and honorable tradition, Sullenberger not leave the aircraft until you are sure that everyone evacutated.

Preparing for the possibility of a clash begins when passengers board aircraft. After all are seated, the guards give detailed instructions on the evacuation of the doors, the oxygen masks, a belt, and the use of seats as flotation devices in case of water landings. It is also the responsibility of each passenger to read the safety data sheets supplied with care instructions and know exactly what to do in an emergency.

Experts suggest more passengers must wear non-restrictive, such as the use of shoes. Many people remove their shoes during a long flight, and must keep close in case of emergency. If passengers have to slip slide down quickly, which should not be limited by the clothing. In case of theft in the winter, as well as the passengers of flight 1549 that have focused on the frozen Hudson River, be prepared to go in the water, while his company floatable cushion.

Preparing for the impact before landing starts folding his arms on the seat in front of you, low in the face and crossed his arms to the legs and feet under the seat, as you can. If a bulkhead (wall) in front of you, turn your head and use your knees

The situation is more favorable for the landing of the crew time to give instructions and advice on disposal.

Who have contributed to the theft in 1549 to go back up as well. However, passengers should not stay in their seats awaiting instructions that never come in May as soon as possible after the impact, they must release all the safety belts and head quickly to the nearest exit door.

Import speed is critical to evacuate a plane crashed because of the dangers of fire and explosion. Passengers should not attempt to hold a minute's report or anything else that could slow their flight. They must have both hands free to make her way through the cabin door and escape. The exception is in a water landing, during transport of floatable mattress is an absolute necessity, because the amount of time an aircraft can be shot on the surface can be critical.

If luck is always a factor for survival in a plane crash, a thorough knowledge of evacuation procedures and a little common sense can often mean the difference between safety and catastrophe.

Hudson River Air Crash

My thoughts on the Hudson River Air crash.

Others climbed the ruins of a helicopter of the dark Hudson River, Sunday, with the help of sonar and the police to find the integrated plan has been overwritten with him. Nine people died in an accident, air, and seven bodies were removed from the water.

National Transportation Safety Board spokeswoman Debbie Hersman said Sunday in a press conference that the two bodies were found.

Researchers are also looking for photos and video of the incident on Saturday, which was thousands of enjoying a beautiful summer's day.

Nine people - three members of a family in Pennsylvania, a private plane, five Italians and a driver for the New Jersey helicopters towers of freedom - died Saturday in a collision, the city of the worst air accident since 2001, accident Air Queens, the 265 people killed.

A victim is a man Italian celebrates its 25th The wedding, said a family friend. His wife was gone, but his 16-year-old son was also in the helicopter.

Sunday morning, divers back into the body stuffed in the hull of the wreck of a helicopter, two law enforcement told the Associated Press. Officials in talks with the condition of anonymity, since all the bodies were not found or identified.

A U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Crane twisted remains of the device is 30 feet of water.

The police of New York City, said a sonar found the rest of the area north of the site, the helicopter accident in water Hoboken. Other aircraft were in the rest of the river about 50 meters under water.

National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Debbie Hersman said the pilot of a helicopter approaching the helicopter in flight and tried to warn his fellow pilots. The helicopter ordered by radio and said: "You have a plan behind it, but there is no response from the pilots, Hersman said.

The driver for the right to air the clip helicopters and two planes to leave and fell into the river, he says.

The two aircraft were part of the south of the river, where a U. S. Airways plane landed safely seven months ago. But this incident was under Bloomberg, "unsurvivable."

The strong currents of the river and low visibility hampered the acquisition of assets.

"The past and history are very strong in the Hudson River, in the darkest, Hoboken Police Captain Anthony Romano said. The floor of the river, in the field of waste and wastewater from other cruise ships for decades, that research more difficult, he added.

Hersman said I did not know if the black boxes or other audio recordings of two aircraft. The size of the aircraft are not required to operate such equipment.

He expressed the hope that investigators will find photos and videos from an accident, helping to determine what happened to them. Some pictures appeared in the media, at least one that shows the moment of impact.

The helicopter, helicopter, freedom, the name of the driver in the crash: Jeremy Clarke, of Lanoka Harbor, NJ

Betty Mallory, Clarke, ex-mother-in-law, says that his training in Long Beach, California, and was very capable driver.

"I flew with him, shortly after his license," he said. 'It is very competent, very safe driver. I would not have a flight with him. "

The pilot of the plane was 60 years, Steven Altman, of Ambler, PA, the two officials with law enforcement told the AP. Even on the plane was 49-year-old Daniel Altman, of Dresher, Pa., and his 16-year-old son, Douglas, said officials.

The five tourists were in Bologna, Italy, in the region. The two officials, as Michael Norell, 51, whose son Philip Norell, 16; Gallazzi Fabio, 49, his wife, Tiziana Pedroni, 44, and his son James Gallazzi 15th

"The trip was a donation of one of the sisters Norell to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their marriage," Leporati John, a family friend Norell, told the AP by telephone. "This anniversary is already over, but the holidays in August and, on the left."

The Italian group plans to travel from New York to Florida and Cancun, Mexico, but decided to return to Italy, officials said, and the rule of law must be preserved.

The accident occurred in a busy corridor of the general aviation industry on the river, where the drivers are generally free to choose their own path, if they are 1000 meters away and not too close to the skyscrapers of Manhattan.

The upper side of the river is often full of boats, which amounts to a vision of the Statue of Liberty.

Saturday incident is yet another incident, the pitcher New York Yankees Cory Lidl and flight instructor, death, when their plane has proposed a skyscraper by a road People's Party for tourism in 2006.

In January, the river became the scene of a spectacular landing of U. S. Airways after a theft at the initial stage of LaGuardia Airport in Queens, beaten by a flock of birds and the loss of power in both engines. The plane landed in the river, and all 155 people on board were from the security.

The NTSB expressed concern that the authority of the federal government for the safety of the helicopter is not sufficiently high. The Federal Aviation Administration failed to apply more than a dozen NTSB recommendations to improve the safety of the tower is to sign up for flight operations.

A report by the U. S. Department of Transport, the inspector general in recent months has shown that 109 people died in accidents linked to the demand for flights in the years 2007 and 2008, then, that nobody was killed in a commercial airline accidents.

The plane, a Piper PA-32, was in the company of Fort Washington, PA is the address of a property company, under the direction of Steven Altman.

Two were police vehicles in the large brothels, where they lived and Steven Altman to block reporters.

Freedom guided excursions around the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Manhattan, the cost of $ 130 to $ 1000.

Two years ago, a helicopter from 500 meters away from the freedom of the sky fell, during a holiday. The driver was credited with landing of helicopters for safety on the Hudson Bay and the support for the evacuation of its seven passengers.

In 1997, a section of the rotor of a helicopter of a building, the views of Manhattan, could force a landing. No one was injured.
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