Saturday, August 22, 2009

Survival of Plane Crash

Some of the info on the survival of plane crash.

Even if you are very lucky you can live through a plane crash. Those who survived the U. S. Airways in January 2009 accident on the Hudson River in New York were very fortunate. His flight was piloted by Sully Sullenberger, very brave and experienced commander. The passenger's chances of survival have been enhanced by the fact that the veteran of the Air Force is also one of the most admired in the field of aviation security consultant.

However, even when the pilot was able to bring a plane in distress in an emergency, water or soil of shock situation, which requires a greater opportunity for everyone to get out alive. If the 165 passengers and crew did not follow the correct procedures for the evacuation and the survival of U. S. Airways Flight 1549, the story could have been much more tragic.

The first rule for passengers in case of emergency that is to follow the instructions of the pilot. Captain Sullenberger quietly kept talking throughout the process of finding a safe area of the plane and put in water. Before the plane hit, he instructed everyone on board to improve their safety belts and the support of the shock.

After the initial impact, everything goes according to the instructions. Passengers were also carried out when the captain was completely control when he saw through the cabin Walkden several times to help people out on the wing. Due to their constant professionalism, there is no panic or hysteria. As a brave captain of a long and honorable tradition, Sullenberger not leave the aircraft until you are sure that everyone evacutated.

Preparing for the possibility of a clash begins when passengers board aircraft. After all are seated, the guards give detailed instructions on the evacuation of the doors, the oxygen masks, a belt, and the use of seats as flotation devices in case of water landings. It is also the responsibility of each passenger to read the safety data sheets supplied with care instructions and know exactly what to do in an emergency.

Experts suggest more passengers must wear non-restrictive, such as the use of shoes. Many people remove their shoes during a long flight, and must keep close in case of emergency. If passengers have to slip slide down quickly, which should not be limited by the clothing. In case of theft in the winter, as well as the passengers of flight 1549 that have focused on the frozen Hudson River, be prepared to go in the water, while his company floatable cushion.

Preparing for the impact before landing starts folding his arms on the seat in front of you, low in the face and crossed his arms to the legs and feet under the seat, as you can. If a bulkhead (wall) in front of you, turn your head and use your knees

The situation is more favorable for the landing of the crew time to give instructions and advice on disposal.

Who have contributed to the theft in 1549 to go back up as well. However, passengers should not stay in their seats awaiting instructions that never come in May as soon as possible after the impact, they must release all the safety belts and head quickly to the nearest exit door.

Import speed is critical to evacuate a plane crashed because of the dangers of fire and explosion. Passengers should not attempt to hold a minute's report or anything else that could slow their flight. They must have both hands free to make her way through the cabin door and escape. The exception is in a water landing, during transport of floatable mattress is an absolute necessity, because the amount of time an aircraft can be shot on the surface can be critical.

If luck is always a factor for survival in a plane crash, a thorough knowledge of evacuation procedures and a little common sense can often mean the difference between safety and catastrophe.

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